With the world having changed so much in the past few years, the idea of working from home is no longer a strange concept or an ideal day dream. Instead, it is something that many people have had the opportunity to experience, and something that has even caused some businesses to give up on the idea of having an office space all together. The last two years have proven that it is possible to successfully run a company no matter where you are in the world and that having an office full of employees doesn’t necessarily mean you will enjoy a high level of productivity.
Being a digital nomad is not a new concept but it is one that is new to some, because while in the past such a lifestyle was mostly reserved just for those who worked as photographers or journalists, these days there are plenty of people who enjoy this kind of lifestyle. More people than ever before have become entranced by the idea of travelling to new and interesting places all while earning a living.
A digital nomad, by definition, is generally someone who lives and works on the move. These types of people often don’t have a conventional home, because they prefer to move from one place to the next, exploring the world as they make their living. Often these people are freelancers, but if the past year has taught us anything, it is that there are a lot more careers out there that can be done from anywhere.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Life on the Road
The idea of travelling from one place to the next, seeing all that our great country has to offer is quite exciting, but you have to keep in mind that you are still having to be a responsible, money earning adult, even if you are spending each morning on a beach somewhere.
There are various advantages and disadvantages to this kind of life. The pros include getting to travel more than you have possibly ever travelled before, saving (some) money by not having to pay out expensive monthly rent, you get to meet new people, you get to be more flexible with how you create you daily work schedule, and you get to avoid the office and all of its politics.
There are also a few downsides to this kind of life and they include not being able to settle into a routine, being exhausted from too much travelling, and with all the travelling, you could notice that your productivity starts to suffer.
If you plan on trying out the digital nomad lifestyle, whether for the long term or the short term, you should make sure you choose the right place. If you find yourself in the Lowveld, staying at Mbombela Lodge will allow you to work in a comfortable setting, with various amenities including Wi-Fi readily available. Our accommodation is also priced well enough to spend a few days working and exploring all the area has to offer.